The most interesting building complex in Antzuola is found around the Plaza Mayor, in the heart of the town centre. Its structure follows the plan of most major squares of this period, which brings together the parish church, the council building and many emblazoned mansions.

The Council Building follows the scheme of all Guipuzcoa town halls of the 17th and 18th centuries.  Designed by Miguel Salazar in 1743, it consists of a portico with three arches on the ground floor, a long balcony on the main floor and a huge coat of arms crowning the façade. It is worth studying the latter as it includes the crescents taken from the Arabs in the battle of Valdejunquera, commemorated today in the “Alarde” that takes place every year.

On the road to Zumarraga are the Cruces del Calvario (the Calvary Crosses). The ensemble is made up of three crosses carved in stone in the 18th century, the central one outstanding for its representations of the Passion.  It is also interesting because it is linked to the popular tradition of taking children here to learn to walk.